So I picked up my brother from school yesterday and he made me aware of
this. My brother and I had a discussion (if yelling out your anger and frustrations with bad values and worse parenting could be considered a discussion) which brought several thoughts to mind.
First off, there seems to be a hopelessness, a despair when it comes to the youth. We treat them so shamefully. "Yeah, they're just going to do it no matter what you say," or, "They're at an age where they're supposed to explore themselves."
Seriously? What kind of messed up mentality is that? That kind of attitude is an insult to the youth. We need to give them more credit. If we only treat them as irresponsible animals who give into every base desire, then guess what they're going to turn into? Exactly what we treat them as! Even at puberty, a person is capable of making mature, reasonable decisions. If we do not encourage our children to think and choose the best for themselves then how can we hope for them to make those hard decisions with more confidence?
Then there's the whole sex-before-marriage issue itself. I'm for waiting, if you haven't caught on. I'm not here to condemn those who aren't married, aren't virgins, etc. I'm not one to judge. But our society is a mess when it comes to sex.
Don't believe me? Ok, lemme try to explain. Sex is the act of procreating yes? Yes. Is that all there is to sex? No. There's the added elements of love and symbolism. Sex embodies the expression of full and total commitment and surrender to the other and to God. How so? A person is completely vulnerable during sex (or at least I am going to assume so) and surrenders complete trust and defense to their partner. This surrender is an act of love so profound it would be hard to find a more physical example. From this we can see how this would be parallel to our relationship with God. We should surrender ourselves completely to God.
Let's just take away the God element for a second. What are we left with? A meaningful experience of love and trust between two people. Is that what we have nowadays in our culture? For the most part, no. Now I am not saying everyone is just sleeping around. But there is a sense of meaninglessness in sex.
Example, look at the television for a second. Actually wait until around prime time to do so. What do you see in the commercials or even in the programs? You are very likely to see something with a sexual innuendo, theme or exploitation. Is this normal? Well its certainly become routine and average for a typical media experience. Is it correct? That is to say, is it
just? Heck no! So why are they using sex as a tool in our media? Because yes, sex sells. But how are we so willing to abandon dignity, to exploit our sexuality in order to make money? I honestly don't know. I'm sure there's more than one answer.
The point of all this goes back to something very important for me: Love and sex are forces, are phenomena in our lives that should not be approached so lightly. There is a heavy responsibility that goes along with both and somewhere we have lost that insight.
I'd be interested to know what you, the readers, think. I hope I haven't upset you too bad.
Catch you on the flip-side.